Student Success is Everybody’s Business: Developing a Student Success Strategy at MIC

Mary Immaculate College , Ireland

Learning Outcomes Illustrate best practice in the field of student success Examine current professional service and academic practices which impact upon Student Success at MIC Explore how MIC could best use learner data as an evidence base to inform and enhance student success Explore steps and approaches needed to develop a holistic student success strategy…

Exploring Competency Based Education; A Lexis for Collaborative Curriculum Design Incorporating Staff, Students and Professionals

Mary Immaculate College , Ireland

Learning Outcomes Define what is Competency Based Education (CBE) Evaluate the benefits and challenges of Competency Based Education in HE Explore how CBE can create dialog between students, staff and professional organisations Explore how to transition a programme to CBE Evaluate how to integrate learners and professional organisations into collaborative curriculum design using competency based…

Enhancing Student Engagement Through Technology Enhanced Learning

Limerick Institute of Technology , Ireland

Learning Objectives • Provide an overview of the opportunities afforded for student engagement through Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) • Present research findings which demonstrate the relationship between positive integration of technology enhanced learning and student engagement • Facilitate a self-evaluation audit for staff of their own current capacity around the use of TEL and Virtual…

Supporting Writing: How Supervisors Can Support Doctoral Students to Write-up

Limerick Institute of Technology , Ireland

Learning Objectives • Implement strategies for providing writing feedback to students • Diagnose common problems that need to be resolved in the final draft • Provide support for the emotional challenges of writing up • Offer advice on writing productivity to doctoral students

TEL Practices to Promote Active Learning and a Personalised Learning Experience In Large Class Environments

University of Limerick , Ireland

Learning Objectives • Demonstrate how best to engage students, in an inclusive way, in large classes resulting in greater interaction and engagement • Recognise the importance of personalising the student learning experience • Identify the TEL opportunities which can increase the personalisation of the student learning experience in large classes

Crossing Boundaries: Religions and Beliefs in Changing Times

Mary Immaculate College , Ireland

Learning Objectives • Present international research on religion, education and ethnicity, particularly in the light of the Black Lives Matter movement • Explore religion and queerness in education and introduce new ways of interpreting religion that challenge hetero-/cisnormative conception of religious identity • Address the deficit in understanding about non-religious groups in Ireland (10% of…

Using Course Design Intensives to Develop Coherent Active Blended Learning

University of Limerick , Ireland

Learning Objectives • Explore, apply and adapt the essential Course Design Intensives (CDI) method as an effective approach to engaging course teams with key stakeholders • Demonstrate knowledge of active and inclusive learning, and graduate capitals as a framework for employability

Teaming Up for Student Success in the Undergraduate Dissertation

University of Limerick , Ireland

Learning Objectives • Articulate one's own approach to undergraduate dissertation supervision as a teacher and/or as a researcher • Describe the advantages and disadvantages of different models Identify ways in which a team approach can be applied to one's own supervision activities • Devise an action plan to implement this team approach in an online/remote/blended…

Developing the Concept of “Good” Teaching

University of Limerick , Ireland

Learning Objectives • Explore the perceptions of new teaching academics on student engagement • Examine the concepts of ‘good teaching’ in light of the student voice • Discuss the variety of approaches that can enable increased student engagement • Evaluate the approaches that can be applied to improve the efficacy of your teaching practice *This…

Enhancing Digital Capacity of Staff who Teach in Higher Education

University of Limerick , Ireland

Learning Objectices • Produce quality Open Educational Resources (OER) video content for social media platforms using a smart phone • Identify relevant technologies to enhance the teaching and learning experience of students • Incorporate these technologies into lesson planning and curriculum design • Appraise the effectiveness of these tools in terms of student engagement *This…