Research Commissioned by the National Forum

The National Forum funded a number of focused research projects which informed the Teaching for Transitions Enhancement Theme 2013-15.  Project teams were selected from higher education institutions across the sector following a competitive process facilitated by an international panel.  Successful proposals were then developed further and scoped in partnership with the National Forum. The following are the seven focused research projects funded under the Teaching for Transitions Enhancement Theme:

Student Non-Completion on ICT Programmes

Teaching for Transitions: A Review of Teaching for Transitions Related Teaching and Learning Activity and Research

A Current Overview of Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) in Irish Higher Education

Transition from Second Level and Further Education to Higher Education

Why Students Leave: Findings from Qualitative Research into Student Non-Completion in Higher Education in Ireland

Mapping Existing Research Output focused on Higher Education Teaching and Learning in Ireland 1990-2015

Learning Resources and Open Access in Higher Education Institutions in Ireland

Partnered Research Projects

The National Forum carried out research projects in partnership with representatives of bodies from across the sector, building upon the findings of Forum-Commissioned research projects:

Reaching Out: Why Students Leave

Transition from Further Education and Training to Higher Education

Reaching Out: Student Drop-Out

Staff Use of Technology-Enhanced Assessment in Higher Education: A Systematic Review

National Forum Postgraduate Scholarships for Teaching and Learning

The National Forum partnered with the Irish Research Council to award a number of postgraduate scholarships in 2014 and 2015. The National Forum scholars were selected through the Irish Research Council process for the award of postgraduate scholarships.

National Forum Research Projects

The National Forum team conduct research as the need arises. These projects often serve to inform Forum enhancement themes or arise from priorities set out by the sector. Completed and upcoming research projects are listed below:

‘Making A Difference’ A Student View of Excellent Teaching

Understanding and Enabling Student Success in Irish Higher Education

Ireland’s National Professional Development Framework Summary Findings of the Initial Implementation

Profile of Assessment Practices in Irish Higher Education

Understanding and Supporting the Role of Learning Technologists in Irish Higher Education

Mapping Professional Development Pathways for Those Who Teach in Irish Higher Education: Where are we now and where do we want to go?

Strategic and Leadership Perspectives on Digital Capacity in Irish Higher Education

National Survey on the Use of Technology to Enhance Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 2014

Principles and First Insights from the Sectoral Consultation on Building Digital Capacity in Irish Higher Education

Ongoing Projects:

Embedding Wellbeing in the Curriculum

The Union of Students in Ireland (USI) and the National Forum are partnering on an exciting research project that looks at the practice of embedding wellbeing in the curriculum in higher education in Ireland. The project is capturing how wellbeing is currently being embedded in the curricula of higher education institutions nationally and internationally and identifying features of good practice. The research will culminate in a report discussing the key insights gained from the study and exemplars of good practice.