Our Strategic Priorities

The National Forum Strategy 2019-21 aims to channel the substantial progress of the past six years, strengthen collaborative relationships within and beyond the Irish higher education sector, and provide leadership and guidance for the continued enhancement of teaching and learning in Irish higher education, for the benefit of all. The National Forum will consolidate progress to date and focus on four key strategic priorities.

The Professional Development of All Those Who Teach

Professional Development ↓

Teaching and Learning in a Digital World

T&L in a Digital World ↓

Teaching and Learning Enhancement Within and Across Disciplines

Enhancement within Disciplines ↓

Student Success

Student Success ↓

The Professional Development of All Those Who Teach

Promoting evidence-based, flexible, inclusive professional development opportunities that reflect the contextual needs and drivers within and across higher education institutions

The National Professional Development Framework

Ireland’s framework to support the professional development of those who teach across the sector

View Framework ➔

Structure of the Professional Development Framework

A values-based framework, underpinned by scholarship relevant to all who teach in higher education

View Structure of Framework ➔

Open Courses Professional Development Platform

Non-accredited professional development opportunities for all who teach in Irish higher education

Open Courses Platform ➔

Professional Development Resources

Teaching and Learning in a Digital World

Supporting those who learn, teach and lead in higher education to critically apply digital technologies with the goal of enhancing learning, teaching and overall digital capability

Irish National Digital Experience (INDEx) Survey

National survey of the digital engagement, experiences and expectations of students and staff who teach in Irish higher education

View INDEx Survey ➔

Enabling Policies for Digital and Open Teaching and Learning

Policy framework and guidance to support institutions in developing policies for digital and open teaching and learning

View Enabling Policies ➔

Supporting Open Education

Supporting open education principles, practices and policies in Irish higher education

View Open Education ➔

Key Developments 2014-2018

Supporting students and staff in developing their digital capabilities and informing institutional structures, policies and processes

View Key Developments ➔

Digital Resources

Teaching and Learning Enhancement Within and Across Disciplines

Recognising that disciplines are a key unit of change in higher education, with a focus on disciplinary excellence in learning, teaching and assessment

DELTA Framework

Strengthening networks of practitioners in academic disciplines and supporting impact on the teaching within disciplines

View DELTA Framework ➔

Erasmus+ DELTA

A new opportunity which supports international visits to share best practice and recognise enhancement of teaching and learning within disciplines

View Erasmus+ DELTA ➔

DELTA Awards

Celebrating excellence in teaching and learning within the disciplines and commitment to an ongoing, clearly articulated, shared process of continued enhancement

View DELTA Awards ➔

Discipline Resources

Student Success

Developing a vision of success, in partnership with students, with the aim of providing all students with the opportunity to fulfil their potential and become creators of new knowledge who are community engaged, ethically conscious, professionally competent and equipped to flourish in a global world

Student Success Toolkit

Seven Cs for Embedding Student Success: A Toolkit for Higher Education Institutions (Seven Cs Toolkit) resource for higher education institutions.

View Toolkit ➔

National Understanding of Student Success

Overview of the national understanding of student success in Irish higher education compiled in collaboration with a range of sectoral representatives

View National Understanding ➔

Online Resource for Learning Analytics (ORLA)

National Forum’s open-access, online library of guides and manuals, covering key topics relating to learning analytics.

View ORLA ➔

Data-Enabled Student Success Initiative

Supporting institutions as they look to develop effective, informed, sustainable strategies for maximising the value of data as a resource

View DESSI ➔

Our Enhancement Themes For Student Success

Teaching for Transitions

A sectoral focus on the enhancement theme ‘Teaching for Transition’ 2013-2015

View Teaching for Transitions ➔

Assessment OF/FOR/AS Learning

A sectoral focus on the enhancement theme ‘Assessment OF/FOR/AS Learning’ 2016-2018

View OF/FOR/AS Learning ➔

Student Success Resources

Valuing Ireland’s Teaching and Learning (VITAL)

VITAL – Valuing Ireland’s Teaching and Learning: a consultative, context-appropriate and national approach to valuing and recognising teaching and learning in Irish higher education.

Next Steps for Teaching and Learning: Moving Forward Together

A national sectoral partnership project with an overarching aim to address the question, in the context of COVID-19, ‘What have we learnt and what does it mean for the future of teaching and learning in Irish higher education?’