INDEx Resources for Partners


How is data from the survey managed?

Participation in the INDEx Survey, by students and staff who teach, was anonymous and entirely voluntary. Data gathered in the INDEx Survey is jointly owned by each participating institution and the National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. No individual institutional data was analysed by the National Forum. The anonymised aggregated national dataset was analysed by the National Forum and used as the basis for the national INDEx Report.

How does the INDEx Survey relate to ISSE?

The INDEx Student Survey, with its explicit focus on students’ digital experiences, engagement and expectations, will complement ISSE (Irish Survey of Student Engagement). The report of INDEx Survey findings will use categories similar to those used in ISSE so that the findings can be considered together.

How was the survey developed?

The INDEx Survey is adapted from an existing survey developed by Jisc (Digital Experience Insights). The National Forum acknowledges the support of Jisc in providing the survey instrument and platform. The National Forum has worked closely with staff and students across the Irish higher education sector to tailor the INDEx Survey  specifically for students and staff who teach in higher education in Ireland.

Where can I find the privacy policy governing the INDEx Survey?

To view the INDEx Survey privacy policy, please click here.

Where can I go if I have additional questions?

If you have additional questions or would like to discuss the INDEx Survey in more detail, please email at the National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education.