Moodle Munch: Series 3 Webinar 02

In this webinar, Dublin City University and Galway Mayo Institute of Technology delivered presentations. DCU presented on different approaches to supporting peer assessment activities with students using Moodle (DigCompEdu competence…

Strategies for Promoting Student Self Efficacy in Higher Education

Learning Objectives Participants will acquire an understanding of definitions/theories pertaining to student self-efficacy in the context of higher education Participants will gain knowledge of the literature/key studies pertaining to student…

Fostering Metacognition in the Digital Learning Environment

Learning Objectives Understand the key role of metacognition in effective learning Appreciate the potential for fostering metacognitive approaches within the digital learning environment in university education Understand how tools within…

VIT&L Week Opening Event

Valuing Ireland’s Teaching and Learning (VIT&L) Week will run from 8 to 12 November 2021. Regional events across the sector will continue until 30 November. During this period the higher…