Learning from student success: Barriers and facilitators


Learning Outcomes To gain an overview of best practice across institutions in involving and engaging students as partners in discussions about success To learn from student experiences through engaging students as partners in discussions around success across a range of disciplines To learn from students what their needs are in terms of supports to help…

Cross Cultural Teaching and Learning for Home and International Students


This seminar aims to: Examine context of internationalisation of higher education Overview of teaching and learning context for home and international students Examine internationalisation of the curriculum and pedagogy in practice and benefits for all students Review impact of diverse classrooms on teaching and learning; Overview of teaching strategies Reflect on Challenges and opportunities presented…

Fostering a partnership between students and clinicians in the assessment of practice education


Learning Outcomes: The attendees will: Understand approaches and techniques that facilitate better partnership between students and clinicians in the assessment of practice education Appreciate how collaborative assessment contributes to the development of desired graduate attributes (i.e. to act responsibly, think independently, communicate effectively, and develop continuously) Be able to implement approaches and techniques that facilitate…

Arena blended connected learning design (ABC to VLE)

Trinity College Dublin , Ireland

Learning Outcomes: Worked with colleagues in teams to review the curriculum design of their programmes Reviewed the design of their face-to-face programmes and apply a new design for blended delivery in a VLE Applied the ABC to VLE design method to their programme and modules to enhance student learning Identified new activities and collaborations to…

Students as self regulating partners in assessment. Design, development, implementation and evaluation.


Learning Outcomes: Critique evidence of the benefits of learners engaging in self regulation through peer review Critically reflect on the enablers to peer review Discuss and synthesise the links between self regulated learning and peer review learning Explore how peer review can be implemented in practice within academic settings Design a template for implementation which…

Engaging Staff in Meaningful Change in Assessment Practice

Trinity College Dublin , Ireland

Learning Outcomes Discuss and investigate Programme-Focussed Assessment practices in a subject/ programme. Debate different approaches to ‘knowing what’s going on in your programme’, such as assessment mapping, team dialogue, other evidence gathering tools Identify appropriate assessment design interventions for subject/ programme.

Pedagogic Research in Higher Education

Trinity College Dublin , Ireland

Learning Outcomes Explore the status of pedagogic research in higher education Explore pedagogic research in relation to the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Discuss the influence of pedagogic research and SOTL on teaching and learning Challenge participants to think about how to add value as pedagogic researchers.

“If Competency is the Answer…Have we Asked the Right Question(s)?”

Trinity College Dublin , Ireland

Learning Outcomes Discuss a range of different perspectives on ‘competency’ Discuss the construct of personal development as a core competency Explain the principles of emotional intelligence as a tool for enhancing self understanding Explain how emotional intelligence ‘style’ influences personal and professional behaviours and outcomes Discuss the principles of effective conflict management and resolution and…