“ILTA is a community of professionals committed to the development and exchange of knowledge by sharing expertise and the promotion of best practice in technology-enhanced learning.
ILTA’s aims are to:
– support a community, interested in enhancing learning with technology, across corporate, formal and informal learning sectors;
– to foster engagement and collaboration within and between ILTA members and the wider community;
– promote TEL research through targeted activities:
TEL Ireland Journal (journal.ilta.ie)
VLE National Student Survey
Institutional National TEL Survey
EdTech Conference Research strand
– to showcase and encourage innovation through the Jennifer Burke Award for Innovation in Teaching and Learning;
-tp promote Irish and international evidence-based policy and practice through collaborative events (e.g. EdTech Conference) and activities (e.g. international comparative research activities);”
How you can join
“There is no charge for membership. Colleagues interested in joining the Irish Learning Technology Association can do so by the following methods:
1. Via a HEAnet sign up to our mailing list at:
This membership channel has 1000+ members
2. Via the ILTA Group Page on LinkedIn
http://www.linkedin.com Search ‘ILTA’
This membership channel has 735 members
Members can also participate in our online discussions on social networks like Twitter, Google+ and LinkedIn, and will receive mailings about our annual EdTech conference and other events”
Target Audience
“Established in 1999, ILTA is a voluntary independent community of professionals committed to the development and exchange of knowledge by sharing expertise and the promotion of best practice in technology-enhanced learning in education (ilta.ie).
ILTA engages with a number of national (e.g. CESI) and international networks (e.g. ALT, UCSIA in the UK) to inform policy and practice (e.g. National Forum).”