Final Year Matters - Moving On
The Initative Team
Initiative Lead
Dun Laoghaire Institute Of Art Design + Technology
Primary Contact
Rebecca Roper
Initiative Budget
Initiative Type
‘Final Year Matters – Moving On’ is the complementary programme flanking ‘First Year Matters’, IADT’s extended orientation for incoming students. The purpose of the final year programme is to facilitate the launch of students into the world of craft, employability, further study and entrepreneurship.
Specifically targeting all undergraduate students in their final year, the programme aims to identify the transferable skills across disciples, encourage strong mental health in transition and beyond, allow networking opportunities with outside and community stakeholders and instill business and advancement opportunities for the students post-graduation. A small-scale pilot was organized by the student union in 2018/2019 and this T&L initiative aims to build on that pilot.
This initiative will involve three stages:
1) A scoping exercise to engage with the stakeholders internally and externally to fully establish to what are the key requirements from such an initiative. This will also explore how the issues arising can be feedback into the programmes of study at curriculum design stage
2) Plan Initiative: A series of events, trainings and workshop will be designed and organized to meet the needs of the needs of the IADT cohort.
3) Evaluation: there will be an evaluation undertaken at the end of the programme.
It will also explore the best way to establish an Alumni mentoring network.
The theme ‘Circus of Life’ is proposed for this iteration. The 5-day event will offer a variety of considered and valuable proceedings for the student body and will create a stronger network with external stakeholders in the wider community.