Exploring the Creative use of Technologies in Home Economics Education
The Initative Team
Initiative Lead
St. Angela's College
Primary Contact
Maria Campbell
Initiative Budget
Initiative Type
This showcase provides evidence for a T&L initiative designed to enhance student teachers’ understanding of and ability to engage in the creative use of technology to support teaching and learning in Home Economics education. This intra-institutional team based collaborative approach merges the expertise and enthusiasm of both the Home Economics and Education disciplines in the college.
This initiative strives to provide the student teachers with the opportunity to develop an enhanced understanding of the potential for Educational Technology to enhance the teaching and learning process by combining an exploration of the various available technologies with their insights of the teaching and learning process, in a structured and supported environment.
In the context of this initiative, this enhanced learning will be applied to the Home Economics discipline specifically with the intention that the insights gleaned from this process can be then applied to a variety of educational disciplines, settings and tasks.
This element challenges students to consider how they could facilitate learning in alternative models of educational provision by utilising the various technological applications, platforms and forums available.
Students are supported and encouraged to critique and evaluate the various uses, new developments and available technologies and their functions, and to demonstrate their use in Home Economics education in a structured workshop format.