Data Analytics to Inform and Enhance Learning (DAnIEL)
The Initative Team
Initiative Lead
Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology
Primary Contact
Dr Cormac Quigley
Initiative Budget
Initiative Type
This capacity building T&L initiative aims to create accessible learning analytics for learners and lecturers and in doing so, inform and enrich learning in Higher Education.
This project will maximise and drive GMIT’s Data for Enhanced Student Success Policy though digital transformation of learning.
This initiative will embed and facilitate an inclusive, collaborative and innovative cross functional data analytics team in GMIT. This will establish best in practice approach and expertise in Data Analytics and Business Intelligence systems to specifically explore and develop mechanisms to;
• Provide an aligned assessment strategy across programmes with live assessment schedules and deadline notification for learners
• Provide feedback to learners on their learning interactions and progress that empowers students to improve their likelihood of success
• Transform student engagement data into descriptive statistics to explore student behaviour for optimisation of assessment design
• Use data analytics tools to enable better student engagement reporting capacity and inform appropriate intervention strategies (at risk learners)
The project will build on research conducted in the School of Science and Computing from 2015‐2019 on harnessing learning data to provide personalised feedback forms. This proposal seeks to automate existing processes to make them accessible and scalable across the institute and to other institutes. It will expand the use of static feedback outputs and pilot a dashboard interface for learner analytics.
It is recognised that creating a near real time dashboard based on similar reporting algorithms to those now used would provide a significant improvement on the current system.