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DCU CREDNE – Fostering Creativity Conference

24th April 2022 @ 9:00 am - 6:00 pm

Venue The Helix
Target Audience All Welcome
Is registration required? Yes
Free of charge or ticket price €40
For more information contact mary.comiskey@dcu.ie


The DCU Credne Project is pleased to announce a one-day conference on the topic of ‘Fostering Creativity in Higher Education: exploring possibilities for creative learning environments’.

The Credne project based in Dublin City University and funded by the National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning, aims to foster staff and student creativity across DCU and beyond.

Recognising that creativity is a universal and vital human attribute, the project seeks to create resources and opportunities which encourage those in higher education and other sectors to embrace and unleash their innate creative capacity.

As part of the Credne project, a one-day conference on ‘Fostering Creativity in Higher Education: exploring possibilities for creative learning environments’, is taking place in the Helix, Dublin City University on April 22nd 2022.

The event is aimed at education professionals and those interested in fostering creativity in organisations.

The conference will bring together award-winning, international educators from the field of Creativity Studies, Possibility Studies, and Futures Literacy, and will include both keynote addresses, panel discussions, and engaging interactive break-out sessions where participants will get a chance to learn practical techniques for stimulating creativity in educational environments and beyond.

The cost of attending this conference is €40  – please note: this is a special subsidised rate for DCU staff, and includes lunch and tea/coffee breaks during the conference. Places are limited and will be given on a first come first serve basis.

The conference will run from 9:30am until 5pm on Friday, April 22nd, and registration will open from 8:30am.


24th April 2022
9:00 am - 6:00 pm
Event Category: