The National Forum is delighted to announce the publication of findings from the initial national implementation of the Professional Development Framework for All Staff Who Teach in Higher Education, which was launched in 2016 following sector-wide consultation. The central purpose of the PD Framework is to encourage all those who teach to critically reflect on and to develop their professional practice by engaging in continuous professional development throughout their careers.
The initial implementation took place during the 2016/17 academic year, with the involvement of 230 staff from universities, institutes of technology and private colleges across 22 groups. The evidence from the pilot has demonstrated the many positive short- and long-term impacts of engaging with the Framework. In addition, the strong, positive empirical evidence gathered from those who engaged with the Framework has highlighted the rigour and relevance of the Framework and affirmed its underpinning values.
The sector-wide implementation of the PD Framework is a key target in the HEA’s System Performance Framework 2018-20. In addition to providing a summary of key findings from the initial implementation of the PD Framework, this new report summarises key insights and recommendations for implementation suggested by those across the sector who have already engaged with the Framework. These insights will be useful for staff, teaching and learning units and institutional leaders as they work together embed the PD Framework within their local contexts.
This report, and the upcoming national implementation of the PD Framework, are important steps towards realizing the National Forum’s vision of a valued and informed teaching and learning in higher education.
The report on the initial implementation of the Professional Development Framework can be accessed here.
The Professional Development Framework can be accessed here