The 2019 European Learning & Teaching Forum ‘Towards successful learning: Controversies and common ground’ will take place at the University of Warsaw, Poland, on 14-15 February 2019. Paper proposals are currently open until 12 October 2018.
The 2019 Forum builds on the recognition that there is no one-size-fits-all solution for successful learning and teaching. Following the success of the 1st Forum in 2017, this 2nd edition provides an opportunity for higher education stakeholders to discuss challenges and developments and share and explore practices and lessons learnt related to engaging and empowering students and teachers in developing their learning and teaching.
The event will draw on the work of four thematic peer groups comprised of EUA member universities, which have covered the topics of active learning, developing teaching competences, teachers’ career paths and evaluation of learning and teaching. The Forum’s plenary and breakout sessions provide an opportunity for participants to hear the conclusions of these thematic peer groups, as well as to further reflect on how to facilitate better learning and teaching in European universities.
This event will be of interest to vice-rectors for academic affairs, deans, programme directors, academic staff and researchers. The European Learning & Teaching Forum also welcome the participation of students, policy makers and other higher education stakeholders. For those with an interesting idea for a paper presenting
– current practice or research on institutional measures for promoting active learning,
– development of teaching competences,
– challenges and solutions to advancing with teaching careers,
– or evaluation of learning and teaching at the programme level,
please submit a proposal through the event website, where you will also find the full call for papers, a provisional programme and further information about the event. For updates follow #EUALearnTeach on Twitter.
To register, please click here. The deadline for the early-bird registration fee is 9 January 2019. After this date, late registration fees will apply.
For further information, please contact the EUA secretariat at
European University Association (EUA)
Avenue de l’Yser 24, 1040 Brussels, Belgium
Tel: +32 2 230 55 44