8 Steps to Developing Enabling Policies for Digital Teaching and Learning
This Forum Insight outlines eight steps involved in developing an enabling policy for digital teaching and learning.
This Forum Insight outlines eight steps involved in developing an enabling policy for digital teaching and learning.
This review maps the policy landscape for digital teaching and learning across higher education in Ireland, describing existing perspectives and practices and explaining how policies can enable excellent practice.
This Forum Insight serves as a quick guide to some of the legal obligations arising from the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the data protection legislation that becomes enforceable across the EU from 25 May 2018.
The guide provides a stepped approach to developing an enabling policy for digital teaching and learning.
Following the format of most National Forum initiatives and reports, the guide was developed following consultation across the sector in conjunction with a review of policies in Ireland and abroad.
This infographic captures the work undertaken in 2017 to implement the national framework in Professional Development for all who teach in higher education.
This report provides a detailed snapshot of the current state-of-play of the technology infrastructure which supports teaching and learning in Irish higher education. The review seeks to enhance and inform the work of the National Forum in assisting Irish higher education institutions in their efforts to achieve a coherent digital future.
This Forum Insight traces the development of the Irish Survey of Student Engagement (ISSE) since its introduction in 2013. The Insight also provides an overview of how those working in teaching and learning in higher education might make best use of the data provided by the ISSE.
This Forum Insight introduces the National Forum’s Online Resource for Learning Analytics (ORLA), a new open-source library of learning analytics (LA) resources, available at teachingandlearning.ie/orla
This Forum Insight outlines a key strand of the workplan of the National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning – the formation and early implementation of the National Professional Development Framework (PDF) for all who teach in Irish higher education (HE).
This Forum Insight summarises both the substantive work that has been carried out by the Forum in conjunction with the Sector since 2016 under the Enhancement Theme and the eight Assessment & Feedback Principles that emerged from close collaboration with the sector.