Implementing the Irish National Digital Experience (INDEx) Survey: A Challenging and Rewarding Journey

This briefing paper describes the process of collaboration and partnership behind the Irish National Digital Experience (INDEx) Survey, which was completed by 24,484 students and 4,445 staff who teach at 32 higher education institutions in Ireland in autumn 2019. The paper shares the story behind the results that were published in May 2020 in the INDEx Survey Findings report. For more information see

Reaching Out: Why Students Leave

This briefing paper reports on a research project established by the National Forum in partnership with the Union of Students in Ireland, which aimed to inform our understanding of why some students do not progress to the completion of their programmes of study in higher education and to determine how best to support students in their transitions into and through higher education. The study examined, through surveys and interviews, the motivations and experiences of 331 students who did not complete their programmes of study in higher education. The briefing paper adds to the growing evidence base about the challenges that students face in their transitions into and through higher education in Ireland.

Student Non-Completion on ICT Programmes

This report is based on findings from a National Forum-funded research project on student non-completion on ICT programmes led by a team based at the University of Limerick.

The Paper summarises international literature on student non-completion with a focus on students of ICT ; it outlines proven initiatives and pedagogic practices designed to tackle ICT student non-completion and it presents the results of exploratory case study research on ICT non-completion at the University of Limerick. It also includes further considerations arising specifically from the institutional case study as well as those arising more generally from the question of non-completion in the Irish context.