Supporting Students Academic Integrity Practice in MIC

The Initative Team

Initiative Lead
Mary Immaculate College

Primary Contact
Dr. Geraldine Brosnan

Initiative Budget


Initiative Type


Academic integrity forms a key part of academic student life; the institute, staff and students are all responsible for promoting ethical academic practice amongst students to prepare them for their professional lives. To support academic integrity many students receive specific modules in academic writing and research. These modules are often provided in the first year of a programme and/or during students final year in which they often complete a dissertation module. However to sustain good academic practice amongst students, it is important that it is supported throughout their learning. Best practice illustrates a multifaceted approach to academic integrity, which involves embedding it into assessment design, encouraging student ownership and maintaining academic integrity standards across the institute. This initiative will develop a self-study resource to support students in the area of academic integrity with the aim of maintaining academic integrity standards across MIC throughout a programme of study. The resource can be used in a variety of ways to support students’ ethical academic practice.