StELA (Student Evaluation and Learning Analytics) Live: Modelling for Student Success
The Initative Team
Initiative Lead
University of Limerick
Primary Contact
Sarah Gibbons
Initiative Budget
Initiative Type
‘STELA Live’ will build on the new Learning Analytics Policy at the University of Limerick in order to;
(1) Conduct an analysis of the variables that best predict performance and progression in selected modules and/or programmes, with large and very large cohorts, using existing data to provide a baseline; and
(2) Develop a protocol to improve the academic experience of students through the delivery of timely, personalised, and actionable student feedback throughout their participation.
This will involve working closely with module leaders and course directors to gather data on student engagement and select learning markers; develop protocols for student participation and opt-out mechanisms; define the conditions under which students would be contacted; establish relevant and potential interactions with established support systems in UL (e.g. Learning Centres; Academic Advisor System); follow up individually with students when required; and evaluate the impact of the intervention from the perspective of all stakeholders and from a student success standpoint, thus informing the design of the process. The aim is to engage with two of the four faculties in the University of Limerick (UL) with large, and very large cohorts, namely the Faculty of Science and Engineering and the Kemmy Business School.
It is intended to include a research component to this initiative, with ethical approval, in order to disseminate the learnings and approach to this initiative for the sector. To support a student partnership approach, the initiative team will be made up of both UL staff and student representation.