Our Digital Future: Research Based Approach to the Design of Professional Development Offerings Relating to Technology Enhanced Learning and Digital Education.

The Initative Team

Initiative Lead
University College Cork

Primary Contact
Dr. Catherine O’Mahony

Initiative Budget


Initiative Type


This initiative will create a suite of professional development offerings for staff to enhance knowledge and abilities regarding the deployment of learning technologies in Higher Education. The initiative will begin with a needs-assessment regarding the professional development requirements of staff, namely teachers and learning technologists, drawing on existing data sets as well as de novo data collection. This evidence base will be used to craft a series of professional development offerings to meet the expressed needs of staff as well as ensure the offerings are situated within the broader context of future developments in digital education. There will be a strong emphasis on student voice in the initiative reflecting the benefit of student-staff collaboration in shaping teaching and learning. It is envisaged that this initiative will result in a level 9 qualification for staff in Higher Education and will be aligned with the National Forum Professional Development Framework and the European Digital Competence Framework 2.0.