Mincéirs Misl'd in Education - Empowering Irish Travellers to Transition and Build a Sense of Belonging in Higher Education

The Initative Team

Initiative Lead
National University of Ireland Galway

Primary Contact
Owen Patrick Ward

Initiative Budget


Initiative Type


This initiative will develop an Irish Traveller community embedded and culturally inclusive model that will empower the Travelling community to identify and overcome barriers to access, progression, retention, and success in higher education. Travellers made up 0.2% of new HE entrants in 2017/2018, with a total of 61 Travellers students registered. With a robust research component in partnership with the Travelling community and building on critical government policies and strategies, this initiative will provide a detailed, evidence-based understanding of barriers to access, progression, and retention to HE for Irish Travellers. Therefore, this initiative will support the development of recruitment, support strategies, and evidence-based teaching and learning methods, including Continuing Professional Development (CPD) for staff.

This initiative will have six key strands;
1 – Community embedded partnership with the University and Travelling community.
2 – Research and data collection will provide a detailed, evidence-based understanding of barriers to access, progression, and retention in higher education for Irish Travellers.
3 – Develop Traveller Culture Awareness Training (Online) for teaching staff and students with a ‘Traveller Ally’ digital badge on completion. This will inform the inclusive teaching and learning practices of NUIG teaching staff.
4 – Empower Traveller students during transitions to HE from post-primary and further education through the design, development, and implementation of the Mincéirs Misl’d in Education programme of pre-entry to employment supports.
5 – Support the development of evidence-based teaching and learning methods as well as Traveller student recruitment and support strategies.
6 – Support Traveller leadership, initiatives and events that enhance a sense of belonging in education both internally and externally of NUIG.