Guiding Strategies and Practices for Student Success at Maynooth University
The Initative Team
Initiative Lead
Maynooth University
Primary Contact
Alison Hood
Initiative Budget
Initiative Type
The aim of this initiative is to provide a strategic framework and practical action plan to further embed a shared vision and culture of student success at Maynooth University.
The initiative involves three integrated streams of work, which will inform each other.
• Student Engagement: We will develop a student engagement initiative, that will pro-actively address student engagement during COVID-19. We will identify and connect with students who have disengaged from academic programmes. In dialogue with these students, we will identify the challenges they are facing, co-ordinate supports and scaffold a holistic re-engagement plan for the student to help them re-engage.
• Student Success Strategy: This work package will establish a University Student Success Strategy Working group, who will facilitate an institution-wide consultation process to develop a Student Success strategy and action plan specific to Maynooth University. The strategy and action plan will focus on the student lifecycle and help embed a holistic and whole-of-institution approach to student success.
• Data for Student Success: This work package will involve a scoping exercise to identify how data can be used to build learning analytics tools. This will help us better understand student engagement and inform decision-making on the appropriate supports and resources to help students achieve success. To underpin this work, a learning analytics policy will be collaboratively developed with staff and student stakeholders.
The initiative will begin in February 2021 and run until the end of April 2022. The outcomes and recommendations from the initiative will be published in May 2022.