Governance Excellence through Enhanced Student Engagement (GovEESE)
The Initative Team
Initiative Lead
Waterford Institute of Technology
Primary Contact
Paul O'Leary
Initiative Budget
Initiative Type
This initiative will enhance student engagement and improve their role in data-informed decision-making and will thereby help to improve the institute’s academic governance. Recent years have seen an increase in the amount of available survey data (INDEx survey recently being added to the established and the QA3 survey). The Institute has struggled to optimise its use of this wealth of information and will through this initiative introduce a new approach, which will facilitate student engagement through early and accessible survey analysis and interpretation, which student representatives may then use to develop data-informed initiatives at Governing Body Academic Council, School and Programme Boards.
As a secondary initiative, the supplemental questions’ option that is currently not used by the Institute, but in co-creation with the student representatives this option may be availed of, especially if supportive of some new agreed initiative.
The initiative will be driven by a dedicated post-doctoral researcher, who will also act as liaison to six other Schools-based projects, also funded under this initiative.