Focus on Feedback

The Initative Team

Initiative Lead
Dundalk Institute of Technology

Primary Contact
Gerry Gallagher

Initiative Budget


Initiative Type


Assessment has a significant impact on student learning and success. Assessment for learning emphasises the role of assessment and particularly of feedback in enhancing learning. This initiative will build on previous enhancement initiatives and provide an opportunity for staff and students to focus on feedback, particularly within the context of remote learning and teaching. More specifically it will,
• Create space for staff to discuss feedback and share best practice.
• Enable staff and students to share experiences of ‘what works and why’ in terms of feedback.
• Build awareness, of and capacity in, current thinking and best practice in assessment and feedback.
• Promote student engagement with feedback.

These will be achieved through (i) partnership with students to share experiences of feedback, informing the development of resources to support assessment literacy among students, (ii) professional development opportunities to include a series of masterclasses and a ‘just-in-time’ online training resource for new staff, and (iii) development of a resource or ebook for staff and students to share experiences of ‘what works and why’ and offer practical advice.