Enhancing Teaching and Learning through Programme and Module Evaluation

The Initative Team

Initiative Lead
Maynooth University

Primary Contact
Alison Hood

Initiative Budget


Initiative Type


The purpose of this interdisciplinary T&L initiative is to examine how qualitative and quantitative student feedback and evaluation of teaching approaches, at module and programme level, can support enhancement of the student learning experience and contribute to continuing professional development for staff who teach.

The initiative involves two strands:

1. Exploring and piloting a range of student feedback mechanisms; including in-class digital feedback approaches such as formative feedback apps
2. Exploring and piloting developmental approaches to the evaluation of teaching

Staff and students will partner on both strands.

This initiative will provide agreed, institution specific and context appropriate, ways of gathering feedback and evaluating teaching which can be used (as evidence) in personal professional development and institutional strategic planning and policy.

It will provide students with additional negotiated channels through which their voices can be heard and responded to, and greater depth and breadth to student feedback.

It will result in improved consistency in terms of when and how feedback is coordinated.

It will provide clarity for staff with regards teaching evaluation and associated professional development paths.

The initiative will begin in November 2019 with the confirmation of discipline partners. Consultation and review will occur over the start of next calendar year, followed by the module and programme feedback pilot. From this phase we will produce a feedback practice guide. We will replicate the process with regards teaching evaluation in the second half of 2020. Findings, outcomes and recommendations from the initiative will be published in December 2020.