Dun Laoghaire Institute Of Art Design + Technology Local Enhancement Projects


The Initative Team

Initiative Lead
Dun Laoghaire Institute Of Art Design + Technology

Primary Contact
Therese Moylan

Initiative Budget


Initiative Type


The aim of LEP funding is to offer cross Institute seed funding opportunities to support teaching and learning staff and/or programme teams develop projects that align with the National Forum and IADT’s respective strategies.

It is our intent to seek projects that may be adaptable across disciplines and have the potential for future collaboration/sharing as ways of extending the reach internally.

The following process will be in place to encourage engagement in this initiative:

1. The Teaching and Learning Committee in IADT will oversee the process. All associated activities in terms of the call/ management and processes will be the responsibility of the committee
2. A call for projects will be issued internally to programme teams and academic staff in late Nov/ early December 2019
3. The T&L committee has developed a LEP standard application form and applicants will be required to use this
4. Teams will be given 4 weeks to respond to the call
5. Submissions will be reviewed by a panel, which will comprise of the Chair of T&L, presidents/ Registrar’s nominee and an external T&L expert
6. A scoring template has been developed and projects will be reviewed and scored by the Review Panel
7. This process will be completed by mid Feb 2020
8. Draw down of funding will be based on the timelines outlined

All projects will be required to submit account for their funding, submit a final report and engage in dissemination activities.