DkIT - Embedding Employability

The Initative Team

Initiative Lead
Dundalk Institute of Technology

Primary Contact
Catherine Staunton

Initiative Budget


Initiative Type


This T&L initiative aims to develop a shared vision of employability at DkIT and a model that programme teams can use to ‘employability-proof’ their programmes. This will support the development of an Institute wide Employability Statement and Framework. This will be done by collaborating with programme teams across all disciplines, students & alumni and industry partners.

The institute has a strong focus on employability and consistently strong graduate employment. Two-thirds of our programmes have a formal placement module. There are many examples of excellent practice, particularly partnerships with industry, however this tends to happen on a localized basis and there is a need to disseminate more effectively internally.

This initiative offers an opportunity to engage DkIT staff, student and employers in conversation to develop a shared vision of the DkIT graduate. This will be used to identify a set of DkIT graduate attributes. These in turn will inform resources and training to support programme teams in interpreting these within the context of their programmes and to inform curriculum development and design.

This initiative is an opportunity to develop a shared and sustainable employability commitment to both students, graduates, staff and industry partners. Specifically, the initiative will develop:

• A shared vision of the DkIT Graduate
• A set of DkIT Graduate Attributes
• An Employability Guide which identifies and measures employability activity within DkIT and provides a guide on embedding Employability
• A DkIT Industry Employability Forum in collaboration key industry partners
• An Institute wide Employability Statement & Policy