Digital Futures - Embedding TEL at NCAD
The Initative Team
Initiative Lead
National College of Art and Design
Primary Contact
Siun Hanrahan
Initiative Budget
Initiative Type
This initiative builds upon and extends valuable learning and investment through SATLE 2019. The abrupt and intense necessity to embrace TEL due to the pandemic has brought significant change to learning and teaching at NCAD. The Digital Champions delivered through SATLE 2019 were transformative in supporting staff across the College to exploit the resources available from their particular position in respect of digital competency. At an institutional level, investment in a formal VLE has been prioritised and this investment is in the process of being finalised. SATLE 2020 funding will be immensely valuable in supporting the roll-out of the VLE across the College. Support of this will encompass both central and local elements: a central role in respect of TEL development and coordination, and local supports through Digital Champions. The ‘central’ focus will be on stimulating and supporting understanding “Form-ic Realism”, a recognition that a good translation from one form (face-to-face teaching) to another (blended learning harnessing TEL) requires changed strategies in order to carry the feeling, meaning and value of the teaching and learning experience. The ‘local’ focus will continue to be upon enabling staff to engage effectively with the VLE on the basis of building beyond their existing skill set.