VIT&L Week Opening Event

Valuing Ireland’s Teaching and Learning (VIT&L) Week will run from 8 to 12 November 2021. Regional events across the sector will continue until 30 November. During this period the higher…

VIT&L Week Virtual International Winter School (November 8th – 12th)

Marino Institute Griffith Ave, Dublin 9, Ireland

Following on from the success of the inaugural MIE Virtual International Winter School in 2020, the VIT&L Week Virtual International Winter School will celebrate teaching and learning in Ireland and around the…

Leading the Transition towards a Climate Action University

GMIT Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology GMIT Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology, Galway, Galway, Ireland

This workshop will feature the following panel members who will field questions related to the role of higher education in supporting and leading the transit towards a more ‘sustainable’ society:…

Virtual Tour of the ASSERT Centre

University College Cork , United States

Dr Pat Henn of the ASSERT Centre, UCC offers attendees an opportunity to review a surgical and clinical skills training centre. Focus of event: tour of ASSERT centre Registration