The National Forum is delighted to announce the publication of ‘Building Digital Capacity in Irish Higher Education 2013–18. National Developments and Key Perspectives’. The report was informed by an interim review of building digital capacity, conducted by Dr Catherine Deegan, and by consultations with senior managers across Irish higher education, conducted by Dr Jim Devine and by the work of the National Forum team during 2018.
This new publication gives an overview of the work completed by the National Forum, in collaboration with its partners and stakeholders, on building digital capacity in Irish higher education since 2013. It details a vast array of developments in supporting and optimising the use of technology in teaching and learning in Irish higher education. From national frameworks to individual teaching and learning contexts, much has been done to interrogate myths, build evidence, enhance practice, skills and understandings, and foster collaboration and coherent strategies and policies.
The National Forum’s forthcoming strategy 2019/21 ‘Leading Enhancement and Innovation in Teaching and Learning’ will continue to consolidate and lead ongoing efforts to enhance the digital skills, confidence and capability of all those who teach and learn across all Irish higher education institutions.