Ireland’s Teaching and Learning Research Fellowship Review Panel

Applications at each stage of the selection process were reviewed by an international expert panel and the student partnership indicator of all applications was reviewed by a student representative. The three-stage review process was overseen by a technical group including representatives of the Irish Universities Association, the Technological Higher Education Association, the Higher Education Colleges Association, the Union of Students in Ireland, the IRC and the National Forum.

The panel who selected Ireland’s inaugural Teaching and Learning Research Fellows at Stage Three was as follows:

Prof Frank N Coton

The University of Glasgow

Vice-Principal (Academic Planning and Technological Innovation)

Frank Coton is Vice Principal (Academic Planning and Technological Innovation) at the University of Glasgow where he has responsibility for planning, budgeting and the processes and policies associated with academic career development. He also provides oversight and leadership of strategy in relation to digital technologies.

Between 2010 and May 2019, Frank had responsibility for educational policy and strategy and all teaching quality processes across the University.  He also had oversight of the development of the physical and digital teaching environment.  He continues to lead major transformation programmes on assessment and feedback and of the physical and digital learning environments.

He is former Chair of the UK Russell Group Pro-Vice Chancellors for Learning and Teaching. He is also former Chair of the Student Experience Steering Group of the Universitas 21 global network of research-intensive universities and was the technical programme lead for the first Times Higher World Summit on Teaching Excellence.

Prof Mary Deane Sorcinelli

Association of American Universities

Mary Deane Sorcinelli is Professor Emeritus and Founding Director, Center for Teaching and Faculty Development, University of Massachusetts Amherst, where she now serves as Senior Fellow.  She also is Co-PI of the Undergraduate STEM Education Initiative, Association of American Universities, Washington, D.C.

Mary Deane’s research is in the areas of faculty professional development, mentoring, improvement of teaching and learning, and the role of teaching centers in fostering 21st century faculty learning.  She has published over 100 articles, book chapters and books, most recently co-authoring A Center for Teaching and Learning Matrix (2019) and Institutional commitment to teaching excellence: Assessing the impact and outcomes of faculty development (2017).

Mary Deane was President of the Professional and Organizational Development (POD) Network in Higher Education, Distinguished Scholar in Residence, Mount Holyoke College, and Senior Scholar, American Association for Higher Education.  She has worked in some 15 countries including as Educator-in-Residence at the National University of Singapore, Fulbright Specialist, Education City, Qatar, Distinguished Visiting Professor, American University in Cairo, and Whiting Foundation Fellow, National University of Ireland Galway.

Prof Elizabeth Cleaver

Buckinghamshire New University

Pro-Vice Chancellor (Education and Digital)

Elizabeth Cleaver has recently joined Buckinghamshire New University as Pro-Vice Chancellor (Education and Digital). Over a career spanning 25 years, she has taught, written and researched in the fields of sociology and education. Her early academic career began in the discipline of sociology where she specialised in the area of youth transitions to adulthood. It was during this period that her interest in disciplinary pedagogies – and the importance of not just thinking and researching sociologically, but also teaching sociologically – began to grow. Following a seven year spell outside the HE sector, undertaking local and central government-funded policy research and evaluation at the National Foundation for Educational Research, Elizabeth returned to higher education in 2008. This most recent stage of her career has focused on providing strategic leadership for learning and teaching in a range of contrasting UK HE providers. Elizabeth is a Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.

Associate Prof Linda Castañeda

University of Murcia

Department of Didactics and School Organization

Linda Castañeda is an Educationalist and Associate Professor, who holds a Ph.D in Educational Technology. Linda has participated in several research national and international projects regarding the impact of ICT on different educational contexts and at different levels, habitually coordinating the educational part of those. She has a wide experience in the application of educational design principles to the development of projects around the use of the Internet and media for education. Her research portfolio is currently focussed on: Personal Learning Environments; Educational Technology discourse implementation; Innovation in Higher Education; Critical Perspectives on Educational Technology and Teaching Competence for the Digital World. Has written -with many other authors- more than 70 research papers has participated in a wide variety of international events as speaker, and has been visiting researcher in universities around the world (OU, University of Oxford, U.C. Berkeley, among others), taking an active role in a wide variety of Professional Educational Networks. She is part of the editorial board of the European Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education, as well as the editorial advisory board of the Journal of New Approaches in Educational Research.

Associate Prof Manuel Joao Costa

University of Minho

Pro-Rector for Pedagogical Innovation and Student Affairs, School of Medicine

Manuel Joao Costa is Pro-Rector for Educational Innovation and Student Affairs, at the University of Minho. He is Associate Professor and former Head of the Medical Unit (2004-2018) at the School of Medicine, University of Minho. His primary research areas are medical education and biochemistry and molecular biology education. He is founder and coordinator of the Centre “IDEA-UMINHO”, the University of Minho’s centre for innovation and development of teaching and learning. He is founder and currently board member of the National Network for Research in Medical Education, appointed member to the education committee of the International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and the Faculty Development Committee of the Association for Medical Education in Europe. He served on the Board of the Spanish Society for Medical Education (SEDEM). He has served as associate editor for the journals PLOS One and BMC Medical Education and is Editorial board member of the journal Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education.


Kevin McStravock

Union of Students in Ireland

President/ Vice President for Academic Affairs

Kevin McStravock is the Vice President for Academic Affairs for the Union of Students in Ireland, the national student representative body for third-level students. Prior to joining USI in July 2019, Kevin served both as the Vice President (Coleraine Campus) and President of Ulster University Students’ Union, where he focused on developing a Staff-Student Partnership Agreement with the University, refreshing academic representation structures and enhancing the on-campus experience through refurbishment of student spaces across Ulster’s four campuses. Kevin holds a BA with Honours in Journalism with French, and is an Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. Kevin is a Board Member of both the National Forum, and Quality and Qualifications Ireland.