Graham Gibbs on Student Engagement
Graham Gibbs on Student Engagement explained by Sally Brown
Graham Gibbs on Student Engagement explained by Sally Brown
The ePrePP project was designed to enhance student learning in healthcare placements to ease the transition from student to professional. The project was led by a group representing medicine, nursing, pharmacy and pedagogy and has applications for not only healthcare disciplines but also the wider student body.
The GeoLab project is designed to deliver teaching and learning resources to improve the development of essential petrological skills at the four national third level geoscience units in Ireland.
The Collaborative Knowledge Exchange for Learning Impact – or, simply, Crannóg, for short, is a partnership between NUI Galway, UL, MIC, and DCU, which aims to support the professional development of those colleagues in roles such as Head of School/Department, Dean, etc.
Specifically, the project focuses on aspects of leadership of teaching & learning, and the building of digital capacity/capability. It builds on the work of Ireland’s National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching & Learning, and seeks to encourage the sharing of ideas, the dissemination of research and scholarship, and the development of a professional network.
A number of ‘Focus On’ document resources have been created as part of the Crannóg project. These resources curate existing materials into short “what you need to know”-style briefs on key topics in Leading in Teaching and Learning.
Naomi Winstone, of the University of Surrey, shared in an interview some of her work on Feedback to Students on their learning.
A number of ‘Focus On’ document resources have been created as part of the Crannóg project. These resources curate existing materials into short “what you need to know”-style briefs on key topics in Leading in Teaching and Learning.
A number of ‘Focus On’ document resources have been created as part of the Crannóg project. These resources curate existing materials into short “what you need to know”-style briefs on key topics in Leading in Teaching and Learning.
A number of ‘Focus On’ document resources have been created as part of the Crannóg project. These resources curate existing materials into short “what you need to know”-style briefs on key topics in Leading in Teaching and Learning.
A number of ‘Focus On’ document resources have been created as part of the Crannóg project. These resources curate existing materials into short “what you need to know”-style briefs on key topics in Leading in Teaching and Learning.