Teaching for Transitions: A Review of Teaching for Transitions Related Teaching and Learning Activity and Research

The National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning commissioned this study of scholarship that focuses on ‘Teaching for Transitions’, with particular reference to higher education in Ireland. An international element was included to allow some benchmarking with national scholarship. The question ‘how can this scholarship be more impactful on the practice of teachers in the higher education sector?’ was a key question of interest in the project. Part 1 of the study is reported here. It sets out early results and insights and makes recommendations based on investigations carried out between January and June 2015. It raises questions for further investigation.

A Current Overview of Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) in Irish Higher Education

This report details an exploration of the current practice relating to the recognition of prior learning in Irish higher education. The research includes a review of the published policies of higher education institutions, their public-facing information as well as an analysis of the details of the mission-based performance compacts outlining goals and objectives for higher education institutions from 2014 to 2016.

In-depth interviews with practitioners in higher education institutions were conducted to explore the implementation of RPL in practice. An exploration of processes relating to identification, evidencing, assessment, and recognition of experiential learning by selected employer professional bodies was undertaken.

A Snapshot of International and National Disciplinary Intiatives for Enhancing Teaching and Learning

This is the first of three snapshot reports arising from the professional development consultation document: Mapping Professional Development Pathways for Those who Teach in Higher Education. As indicated by the term snapshot, these reports provide focused in-depth coverage of key topics; accredited, non-accredited and disciplinary engagement with professional development.

Why Students Leave: Findings from Qualitative Research into Student Non-Completion in Higher Education in Ireland

This project reports on a systematic survey of existing qualitative data on student non-completion gathered by 16 Irish higher education institutions, including Universities, Institutes of Technology and HECA Colleges. The findings of the current qualitative study identified five core themes which are significant in terms of student non-completion: course, personal, financial, medical/health and family. Of these five, course was the strongest influencing factor. Importantly the study calls for a more positive interpretation of non-completion as part of the wider context of students’ career and programme plans. It also suggests that developing systematic and standardised institutional approaches to qualitative data gathering on students who leave will help enhance institutional and policy responses for the future. This study also helps to inform the forthcoming HEA Report 2015 A Study of Progression in Irish Higher Education Institutions 2012/13 2013/14, a quantitative analysis.

Learning Resources and Open Access in Higher Education Institutions in Ireland

This report arises from the findings of a collaborative project led by Dr. Angelica Risquez from the Centre for Teaching and Learning in the University of Limerick. The project was funded by the National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning. The project team included Dr. Claire McAvinia, Learning Development Officer, Learning, Teaching and Technology Centre, Dublin Institute of Technology; Dr. Anne O Keeffe, Director of Teaching and Learning, Centre for Teaching and
Learning, Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick; Ms Catherine Bruen, Technology Enhanced Learning Manager, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland; Ms. Yvonne Desmond, Manager of the Library Central Services Unit, Dublin Institute of Technology; Dr. Pauline Rooney, Learning Development Officer, Learning, Teaching and Technology Centre, Dublin Institute of Technology; Dr. Sharon Flynn, Assistant Director, Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching, National University
of Ireland, Galway; Dr. Deirdre Ryan, Teaching and Learning Officer, Blended Learning Unit and Centre for Teaching and Learning, Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick; Dr; Fiona Farr, Dean Teaching and Learning, University of Limerick; and Dr Ann Marcus Quinn, University of Limerick. Dr. Ann Coughlan was appointed to the project as Senior Research Fellow at the Centre for Teaching and Learning, University of Limerick.

National Survey on the Use of Technology to Enhance Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 2014

Surrounded as we are by technologies, in almost every aspect of our lives, it is important that we are able to make sensible decisions about what works and what doesn’t work, about what facilitates and what encumbers and, importantly, about what inspires and encourages learning and creativity. This survey provides invaluable information about the current state of play in our institutions of higher education.

Strategic and Leadership Perspectives on Digital Capacity in Irish Higher Education

This report, commissioned by the National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (National Forum), outlines strategic and leadership perspectives on building digital capacity across the Irish higher education sector. Conducted in tandem with the development of an extended roadmap focused on building digital capacity (to be published shortly), it explores and analyses leadership perspectives along with the stated strategic objectives of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) articulated in the Mission-based Performance Compacts (Compacts). This scoping exercise adds value by analysing the level of explication of digital capacity within institutions’ formal strategies, by exploring the differences and similarities between institutional types in this regard, and by gaining valuable senior management insights into some of the key challenges and opportunities that our institutions are grappling with when it comes to enhancing teaching and learning with digital technology.