Limerick Institute of Technology Local Enhancement Projects
The Initative Team
Initiative Lead
Limerick Institute of Technology
Primary Contact
Dr. Brendan Murphy
Initiative Budget
Initiative Type
Our approach to the LEP’s initiative takes account of the National Forum’s Strategic Priorities and our Institutional context and strategic priorities, particularly as outlined in the Teaching and Learning Strategy. A key objective of the LEP projects is the implementation of LIT’s Teaching and Learning Strategy with a particular emphasis on Theme 1 Academic Excellence through Active Learning and Theme 5, Technology Enhanced Learning. A key focus is to encourage participation from members of staff that have not engaged to date. The applicability of outputs across other programmes and disciplines will also be promoted.
This initiative promotes teaching and learning enhancements within the three Faculties in LIT. It will provide an opportunity for small teams to develop Learning Enhancement Projects (LEP) at a local level. These projects will focus on innovative approaches in the use of Technology Enhanced Active Learning for teaching and learning that support student engagement and enhance the learning process.
A dedicated Educational Technologist will be provided as a support to the project teams to provide guidance in line with best practice for implanting Technology Enhanced Active Learning. A key aim of this project is long term engagement of LIT staff with the Quality, Teaching and Learning Centre and the establishment of a culture of continuous academic development and increased collaboration with the Centre. This proposal involved an internal call to those who teach for LEP proposals. Seven projects have been selected for funding with two from each Faculty and one from the Institute’s Learning Support Unit.