Institute of Technology Carlow Local Enhancement Projects
The Initative Team
Initiative Lead
Institute of Technology Carlow
Primary Contact
Gina Noonan
Initiative Budget
Initiative Type
IT Carlow recently launched its new Strategic Plan 2019-2023 ( and at the heart of its plan is the learner experience.
The funding provided through this T&L initiative will create an opportunity for all staff and students to implement innovative, small-scale projects so as to enhance the learner experience and to build institutional capacity in teaching and learning and align with the Strategic Plan. The Institute has decided to support 15 small-scale projects, from across all Faculties and Campuses, with funding up to 3,000 euro available for each project. Both individuals and teams are encouraged to apply for this seed funding, especially those who may not have previously engaged with such initiatives.
Each project will be supported through the Institute’s Teaching and Learning Centre, which will centralise the administration for each of the projects, as well as providing any pedagogical support required.
The applications will be assessed by a panel including a member/members of the Teaching and Learning Centre, the Vice President for Academic Affairs and/or their nominee, a member of the Students’ Union Committee or nominee and the Chair or nominee from the Teaching, Learning and Support Services Committee of Academic Council. All applications will be assessed with reference to the following criteria:
• alignment with the National Forum’s strategic priorities and the Institute’s Strategic Plan
• innovative nature of the initiative
• evidence-based and practice-informed nature of the proposal and its subsequent implementation
• costing of the initiative
• potential for implementation, dissemination, impact and sustainability across the Institute as a whole