Foundation and Futures

The Initative Team

Initiative Lead
National College of Art and Design

Primary Contact
Siún Hanrahan

Initiative Budget


Initiative Type


Creating a shared framework of excellence for teaching and learning across NCAD involves embedding a shared academic ethos across all aspects of our teaching and learning practices. Working toward a DELTA Award provides a useful scaffolding for this.

Over the lifetime of this ‘Foundations and Futures’ T&L initiative, we will focus on ‘taking stock’ of where we are now, and we will begin the process of ‘looking to the future’, mapping where we want to be. Of the five pillars that make up the DELTA Framework, our priorities within this project will be:

• Teaching and Learning Practice
• Design of Learning
• Assessment OF/FOR/AS Learning

‘Taking stock’ of NCAD’s current approaches and achievements in teaching and learning is the primary objective of this initiative and will encompass:

• An audit of current teaching practices across the College
• An audit of current assessment practices

‘Looking to the future’ to establish enhancement priorities will be enabled and tested through:

• A Case Study: A sample of programmes will be reviewed through the lens of NCAD’s newly agreed Academic Ethos to test how it might be embedded in quality enhancement processes
• Consultation with staff and students to build on learnings from the pilot project and establish shared institutional Learning and Teaching objectives.