Enhancing Employability Skills for International Postgraduate Students

The Initative Team

Initiative Lead
Maynooth University

Primary Contact
Professor Peter McNamara

Initiative Budget


Initiative Type


National career surveys provide evidence that students with Masters in Business experience increased employment outcomes both in speed to employment post-graduation and salaries obtained. However, for international students employment outcomes are lower. Introduction of career skills modules have been shown in Maynooth to improve domestic student employability and satisfaction; however, they have a lesser impact for international students. Different initiatives are needed for international students.

The purpose of this T&L initiative is to enhance employability outcomes for postgraduate International students in the MU School of Business through co-ordinated and integrated career skills development.

It seeks to better understand the causes of why international students experience employment difficulties in Ireland and it will focus on enhancing employment transition for these students with recognised gaps including understanding of the labour market and emotional and social networks for employment search.

It will build co-ordinated capability within the discipline by bringing together academic staff, professional service staff, industry partners and students to address the issue. The initiative will focus on three areas in particular:

1. Curriculum design
2. Co-ordinated professional service supports
3. Cultural & Societal Networking Supports

This will be a scoping and pilot initiative. It will conduct a literature review and consult with staff, students, alumni, professional service supports and employers to better understand the issues and identify potential solutions, with findings and recommendations published in a report. The second phase of the initiative will design, implement and evaluate three approaches to address issues identified. Initiative outcomes and recommendations will be shared in December 2020.