Engineering design curriculum renewal through challenge based learning

The Initative Team

Initiative Lead
Dublin City University

Primary Contact
Tanya Levingstone

Initiative Budget


Initiative Type


This T&L initiative is designed to develop capabilities and resources to support challenge based learning as a central theme of the senior and postgraduate years of our taught engineering programmes, initially in Biomedical Engineering.

The team plan to renew our senior design curriculum by developing our capacity to mentor and assess students engaged in design challenges that require advanced engineering analysis as just one part of an overall approach. This forms part of a broad Faculty strategy to embed a holistic approach to engineering design and inculcate positive learner behaviours, where the focus to date has been on the junior years.

This initiative funding will be used to allow a team of four academics to develop a concrete change project with the benefit of mentorship and feedback from a world renowned team of engineering education experts. This will continue, and capitalise on, a current programme of enhancements to the design activities of the early years of our undergraduate programmes.