Dublin City University Local Enhancement Projects
The Initative Team
Initiative Lead
Dublin City University
Primary Contact
Mark Glynn
Initiative Budget
Initiative Type
The T&L initiative team consists of Associate Deans in Teaching and Learning (ADTLs); the Teaching Enhancement Unit (TEU); and the Students’ Union.
The project team will put out a call to all staff who support learning across the University, inviting them to apply for funding up to a maximum of €2,500 per LEP. Thus, we expect to fund over twenty projects, all of which will speak to innovation in teaching and learning.
Submissions will be expected to show alignment with the DCU Teaching and Learning strategic goals, and the National Forum’s strategic priorities. There are opportunities for submissions to address the DCU strategic goals, while also contributing to the National Forum’s strategic priorities. For example, DCU call out curriculum reform and teaching quality – both of which could be addressed through the National Forum priorities of professional development, enhancement within and across disciplines and teaching and learning in a digital world. Equally DCU strategic goals of student support, educational opportunities and skills and employability are compatible with the National Forum objective of student success.
All successful LEPs will be supported at faculty level through the ADTL’s. Additionally, each LEP will be assigned a TEU mentor with relevant experience to work closely with them in terms of best practice and SoTL.
Finally, students will inform and guide each project through use of SU sabbatical officers and the relevant class representatives.