Disciplines Inquiring into Societal Challenges (DISCs)

The Project Team

Project Lead
University College Cork

Project Partners
Dublin City University
Maynooth University

Primary Contact
Dr. Karl Kitching
University College Cork


We live in a diverse society, but diversity of thought and experience is not always reflected in the classroom. The DISCs project will support staff who teach in higher education to make their learning environments gender conscious, interculturally engaged and community oriented. We will do this by seeking out best practice in teaching for social justice and engaging different worldviews across arts, humanities, social science and STEM disciplines.

We will support the professional development of 15 DISCs Advocates across three universities (University College Cork, Maynooth University, Dublin City University ) and share their professional development journeys on the project website. We will explore the views and experiences of students to see how and where their experiences of engagement with global issues is centralised.

We plan to develop an online self-assessment tool which anyone can log into and measure their progress in engaging identity and belonging, power and discrimination, building community and engaging conflict and consensus in the classroom. Through the project we’ll also develop a series of teaching exemplars which support professional development and ultimately a DISCs Strategy and Structured Implementation Plan, which will align with, and enhance, Ireland’s Professional Development Framework for staff who teach in higher education.


Project Review (June 2019)

Project Work Plan

Project Work Plan Template