HyFlex Delivery: What works, what doesn’t and what we couldn’t get going!

Learning Objectives Overview of different technical solutions for HyFlex delivery Insight into the logistics and management of HyFlex delivery Appreciation of the learner and lecturer feedback on HyFlex delivery This event is in collaboration with Dublin Business School, Royal College of Surgeons Ireland, Technological University Dublin and Dublin City University. Click here to register

Developing a Community of Practice – Student Partnership in Curriculum Design

Learning Objectives Consider the intended impact of student partnership in curriculum design Discuss potential barriers to engagement and ways to mitigate such barriers Reflect on methods to empower students as partners in a community of learning Identify models of partnership which align with key learning and teaching values and goals Develop plans to foster a…

Maximising the Impact of Learning Conversations in Experiential Education

Learning Objectives Implement strategies to establish a supportive learning environment Identify similarities across types of learning conversations, including feedback, coaching, and debriefing Distinguish between feedback, coaching, and debriefing Demonstrate the common elements of an effective learning conversation, including structure and specific strategies of inquiry that promote reflection and goal setting Click here to register

Enhancing Effectiveness of Teaching Teams Through Team Inclusiveness

Learning Objectives Identify how collective reflection promotes learning and performance Explain the concrete beliefs and behaviours that comprise team reflection and team inclusiveness Identify the potential benefits of team inclusiveness for creativity, innovation, and team effectiveness Implement team reflection and team inclusiveness into educational practice Click here to register

Peer-Assisted Learning (PAL) and Feedback Literacy

Learning Objectives Describe Peer-Assisted learning (PAL) as a pedagogical strategy supported by theory Apply effective PAL techniques through structured exercises Discuss the role of faculty to support effective PAL Design opportunities for PAL in an undergraduate curriculum Click here to register

Promoting a Team Approach to Patient Safety

Learning Objectives Participants will demonstrate an increased situational awareness of safety concerns as a member of the healthcare team in the post-operative ward setting Participants will recognise safety as a concern for all health care professionals and importance of sharing safety concerns across disciplines Participants will demonstrate an understanding of the impact that non-technical skills…

Preparing Simulated Participants for Feedback Practices in Communication Skills

Learning Objectives Identify the role of simulated participants as educators through feedback Define the key elements of training for simulated participants in feedback practices to enhance course design Discuss simulated participant feedback practices to support reflective practice in teaching and learning and formative assessment Click here to register

Enhancing Teaching and Learning of Physical Activity in Irish Medical Curricula

Learning Objectives To enable those attending to understand the national picture for teaching and learning in this area, by describing existing physical activity teaching and assessment in medical curricula in Ireland To promote sharing of experiences between staff, students and recent graduates, and identify examples of best practice and innovation in physical activity leadership, teaching…