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Telecollaboration as a catalyst for internationalisation at home

24th November 2021 @ 10:00 am - 12:00 pm

This online event seeks to build upon previous National Forum seminars/webinars in 2019 and 2021, by further exploring the potential offered by new technologies to revitalise language teaching and broaden the skill-set of Irish learners. It will provide an opportunity for higher and second level educators to form synergies and collaborative spaces to share knowledge and learn from empirical research. The keynote speaker Robert O’Dowd will shed light on this growing field of investigation and emphasise the need to prioritise telecollaboration at policy level. Representatives from emerging Technological University in Letterkenny, Sligo and Galway will explore ways of embedding telecollaboration into programmes and create learning opportunities for ‘internationalisation at home’. Representatives from the Post-primary Languages Ireland will present the challenges faced by language teachers at second level. Finally, best practice models of telecollaboration will be shared by third level practitioners and E-twinning ambassadors at second level.

Focus of the event

  • Sharing and valuing ongoing teaching and learning enhancement work
  • Gathering views and experiences from those who learn, teach and/or lead on the shift to online/remote learning and considering what has been learned for the future about how teaching and learning can/should be valued
  • Considering the place of teaching and learning in evolving institutional contexts, e.g., in the context of institutional mergers
  • Leveraging partnerships between those who teach and their students, as well as the wider educational community, to foster collective advocacy in strengthening the value placed on teaching and learning

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24th November 2021
10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Event Category:


Letterkenny Institute of Technology (LyIT)


Una Carthy