Reverse Mentoring at DCU

A number of ‘Focus On’ document resources have been created as part of the Crannóg project. These resources curate existing materials into short “what you need to know”-style briefs on key topics in Leading in Teaching and Learning.

Leading in Teaching & Learning

A number of ‘Focus On’ document resources have been created as part of the Crannóg project. These resources curate existing materials into short “what you need to know”-style briefs on key topics in Leading in Teaching and Learning.


Y1 Feedback address challenges associated with feedback in the first year of Higher Education and leverages the potential of digital technologies to support and enhance feedback approaches. Highlights include 24 video case studies of technology-enabled feedback approaches for first year.

Student Success Toolbox

The aim of the Student Success Toolbox is to support transitions from thinking about study to the first weeks to increase retention and completion rates particularly for flexible learners (undergraduate adult, part-time and online/distance students) as this is a significant problem in the Irish Higher Education sector.

The project plans to achieve this aim by providing flexible learners with a suite of digital tools. These digital tools will assist flexible learners by helping them assess their own readiness, provide feedback and lay the foundation for successful programme completion. The digital tools will also assist teachers and institutions in providing personalised and strategically targeted feedback to potentially at risk students for learning in the digital world.

Assessment Analytics at DCU

Coordinating module assessments across a semesterised programme is a recognised challenge of semesterised programmes. Within this context, DCU found that lecturers working independently to design and manage their module assignments could lead to a lack of coordination across programmes, potentially leading to an increase in student anxiety, particularly at key times. Responding to this challenge, and recognising the value of assessment data as a means of understanding students’ progress through their programme, DCU set out to develop a means of capturing, analysing and reporting on assessment data in order to effectively manage students’ workloads and to maximise the value of learner data as a resource for identifying students at risk of non-progression.