The Visitor and Resident Framework as a tool for professional development


Learning Outcomes: Participants will be introduced to the concept of the Vistor and Resident (VanR) map Appreciate the ways that the VandR map can be employed as a professional development tool regarding digital literacy Develop familiarity with existing VandR resources that will enable them to engage in their own professional development and/or assist others.

Mentoring as a pedagogical approach in early childhood education and care


Learning Outcomes: Situate the role of mentoring in ECEC degrees Share good practice in training mentors Explore the role of technology in supporting mentoring Eventbrite registration link will be available soon, in the interim please contact the organiser directly for further information.

‘Presence’ in an Online Teaching Environment

Institute of Technology Tralee Tralee, Kerry, Ireland

Learning Objectives • Participants will be appraised of the concept of presence in an online environment • Identification of challenges in creating online presence and provide examples of appropriate strategies • The opportunity for participants to share experiences of online presence • The production of a collectively curated Open Educational Resource (OER) incorporating ‘presence’ into…

Plotting your UDL journey: Getting Started and Moving Forward

Learning Objectives Participants will learn to apply early steps, approaches and strategies to confidently initiate inclusive practice in their student interactions Participants will learn how to build upon these early steps iteratively over time, moving toward excellent inclusive practice Participants will learn how to approach classroom co-creation with students using UDL as a framework Participants…

Coaching and Coaching Approaches in Higher Education Settings

Learning Objectives Understand how coaching is being and can be applied in higher education settings Understand how coaching approaches can be applied to promote student success Understand how coaching and mentoring can be leveraged to enhance HE learning environments for students

Innovative Assessment and Feedback Mechanisms for Placement

Learning Objectives Discuss innovation assessment and feedback mechanism options for placement Analyse a series of practical interventions conducted across different colleges Identify a list of potential strategies for assessment and feedback on your own placement Gain more connections across placement to act as a sounding board for placement queries Click here to register

Digital Connectedness and Regional Growth

Description Rich digital connections support interaction and collaboration between people and organisations and offer us new ways to work, live and learn. In the context of Irish and European education and regional development policy and investment - as well as recent local and global experiences of remote working and remote teaching - this seminar event…