Children’s Research Network – Early Childhood Education and Care Special Interest Group: New Educational Approaches to Reflective Teaching (NEART)
The Children’s Research Network Ireland and Northern Ireland (CRNINI) is a network organisation. Members share and explore research, discuss and research evidenced-informed practice and debate evidenced-based policy related to children and young people in Ireland. There are five special interests groups in the network and the Early Childhood Education Research (ECER) group is one of these. In late 2020, New Educational Approaches to Reflective Teaching (NEART) sub group was established. NEART is a collaboration of researchers and lecturers with an interest in high quality placement practice in initial ECEC higher education. The objective is to pursue highest quality experiences possible in supervised professional practice placements (SPPP) that lead to the high quality of education and care for very young children.
Contact name: Dr. Maja Haals Brosnan