Teaching discipline-specific concepts and critical thinking with digital images in presentation technologies

IADT, Dun Laoghaire Institute of Art, Design & Technology Dublin, Ireland

Dr. Natasa Lackovic, Lancaster University, will be joining us online via Zoom to discuss her work in the purpose and preparation of images for presentations to encourage critical thinking. On Zoom with a live workshop in the IADT Library Registration https://www.eventbrite.com/e/teaching-discipline-specific-concepts-and-critical-thinking-tickets-202039043217

Quality Enhancement in L&T Post Covid: An institutional perspective

Mary Immaculate College , Ireland

Drawing on participants’ collective experience of learning and teaching during the Covid-19 pandemic, this one-day online symposium will consider how to support quality enhancement in learning and teaching post Covid through the lens of a range of stakeholders including students, faculty, support staff and senior management. It will discuss various approaches including the use of…

Creating Connections On and Off Line: Education as a Shared Endeavour

RCSI, University of Medicine and Health Sciences Dublin, Ireland

The shift to remote teaching in response to the COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the importance of the social dimension of education and trained a focus on the notion of presence at both social and pedagogical levels (Garrison, Anderson and Archer, 2001). For learners, making their presence felt in an online environment may be perceived in terms…

Recognising past present & future challenges & opportunities of blended Teaching & Learning

Technological University Dublin Dublin, Ireland

This in-person and online hybrid session will provide an opportunity for us all to reflect on the challenges and opportunities we have/continue to face during a global pandemic in relation to Teaching & Learning. ’We are in the midst of a technological era that is entirely disruptive. The pace at which technology, society and world…

Teaching & Learning Approaches to EDI and Sustainable Development Goal 5 – Gender Equality

Dr Gemma Irvine, Vice-President for Equality and Diversity at Maynooth University will share her experiences and insights on practices to date in integrating gender, EDI and Sustainable Development Goal 5 - Gender Equality in the curriculum in HE sector. The session will be followed by audience Q&A. Please register for the online session in advance…

A strategic collaboration on digitally enhanced learning in higher education

Hibernia College

Hibernia College invite individuals who teach and learn within higher education in Ireland, to participate in a collaborative discussion focused on shared experiences of digitally enhanced learning. This professional dialogue between those who deliver, and experience professional education will be framed by Hibernia College’s Teaching, Learning and Assessment Strategy that is developed in the context…

Creating visually engaging, dynamic, and interactive content for a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE)

Letterkenny Institute of Technology (LyIT) , Ireland

The Flexible Online Learning team at LYIT will deliver a workshop that takes users through: A showcase of examples that have been created and implemented at LYIT. How to create your own visually engaging, dynamic, and interactive content. Through the course of this workshop the team will explore several methods for creating and embedding this…

Reflecting on How We can Collectively Enhance T&L in Business Disciplines in TU Dublin

Enhancing student engagement and success is at the core of planning for a new blended learning environment, and Technological University Dublin is aiming for all stakeholders have a voice in the technology and techniques being implemented including staff, students and professional services. As part of this collaborative process, you are invited to celebrate and recognize…

Embedding Global Citizenship Education into TU Dublin Programmes: Starting a Conversation

Technological University Dublin Dublin, Ireland

Building on the work of TU Dublin’s community of practice www.sdglitercy.ie , this one-hour workshop, which will facilitate both in-person and online participation, will provide an opportunity to kick-start conversations among students, staff and between students and staff in TU Dublin. The workshop will focus on exploring how the community of students and staff in…

Nurturing Wellness within Teaching and Learning

Munster Technological University

Recent times have brought our awareness of wellbeing into sharp focus. We acknowledge its importance, but what is it exactlyand how can we practically support it within teaching and learning? Within MTU Crawford we have developed a number of initiatives that we can showcase – The Creativity Tonic website, the 5 Ways to Wellbeing Activities…